Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I got a new Iphone 4s &

a gift card to Sego Lily Day Spa (My favorite place to Relax)
I got Austin a big Utah Utes framed picture.

Aust wants to make a UTES office when we have a home one day so I thought that would go great in there. I also got him an Electric Toothbrush, he has wanted one for so long.
We got a popcorn maker from Austin's Aunt and Uncle
We can't wait to put this in our dream Theater Room when we have a house :)
I love spending time with family and watching the little ones opening gifts they are so excited with every gift that they open. New Years Eve was fun, we went to dinner with a bunch of friends then out to a bar. I can't believe that we are already in 2012. We are hoping that this is a great year for us. We are excited for the things that will come our way!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A bit of Happiness
Westminster Abbey
Malahide Park In Ireland
I promise to post more pictures soon. I will try to catch up once this semester is over!!! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!! YAY for Christmas :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011

I can't wait to have a house and be done with school. I think back to when I graduated High School and decided to go to Hair School (WHAT WAS I THINKING) I guess I didn't know what I wanted to do so that sounded fun!! If I would have taken the time to think more about it I would most likely be in a classroom right now teaching my own students, but that is not the case. Was Hair School a waste?? NO I learned so much about myself, I have an amazing talent that I can use the rest of my life and I met some amazing people. I don't regret what I did, I just wish I went about it in a different way.
As I reread this post I sound so selfish. I should be thankful that I even have a job and have the chance to go to school. I truly am so grateful for my job and that I am able to go to school. It is just a stressful time right now. I need to take school one step at a time and hope that next school year I will be able to go to school full time and get a great part time job so that I can get up to the U of U quicker!!! I am so thankful for the great support team that I have at home. My Hubby and Family are amazing, they listen to me complain about school and they get to hear all the funny stories about kids from work. I just need to keep on keeping on :)
On a happy note. FALL is here this is my favorite time of year, the colors, the smells, the chilly air, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the clothes, Starbucks drinks ALL of it is my favorite!!! I am going to try to relax and enjoy this time of my life because I know I will never get it back :)
My sister and niece will be heading home from London the end of Oct just in time for Halloween. I can't wait to have them home and here for the Holidays!!! We have missed them so much, but we are so happy that they got to have such a great experience in London and we were so lucky to go visit them. I promise I will post more about London and Ireland soon!!!
Well thanks for listening to me VENT I will not do this often I promise!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Past Few Months
Bought a new Truck
Celebrated Ryan at the Pride Parade
Enjoyed Bike Rides & Campfires
Went to my First Rodeo. West Jordan Stampede
Went Shooting for my First Time
We leave for London in just a few days so I promise I will have tons of more pictures and fun stories to share when we get back!! I hope everyone is having an amazing summer!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am looking into buying some feather extensions so if you are interested, let me know!!!! I love them!!! They are fun and simple and a great way to liven up your hair style!!! You can wash them, blow dry, flat iron and heat style them just like normal hair and they last for a few months!!!
I try to post often but we are just so crazy I have no time. I try to get little ones in here and there while I have a down minute at work!!! I will hopefully be posting real pictures of our lives soon!!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
A little Update!!
I just wanted to give my amazing husband a little shout out. I am so lucky to have him in my life. He works so hard for us!! He is always willing to help or listen to me complain. I would be lost without him. I can give him a look and he knows that I need a hug, there is nothing better than a hug from the man you LOVE!!!
We celebrated Valentine's Day and our 7 years of being together in Feb it was amazing we went to Sego Lily Day Spa for a soak and couples massage and then to the Melting Pot for Cheese and Dessert :) so delicious. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by but we have enjoyed every min of the past 7 years we have had our ups and our downs but what couple doesn't. I love you Austin James thank you for everything you do for me!!!
I feel bad for not posting pictures but I am blogging from work and don't have my camera cord with me. I promise to post some soon!!!!