Monday, December 31, 2012


I am terrible at this whole blogging thing but would really need to start working on it more. Here is our year in one post :) 

Celebrated my Dad's birthday.
Went & saw Underworld 3D

Celebrated 8 years together
Kate went to her first dance
Spent time in Eden
Celebrated Amy's Birthday

Went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade
Went to the Martini Bar
Celebrated Jamie's Birthday
1st time at the Festival of Colors

Austin started work at Union Pacific Railroad
Celebrated Austin's Birthday
Austin's cousin got married
Went to the red and white game for the Utes

Welcomed our new niece Paisley
Aust got his first tattoo
I got my second tattoo
Aidan was the Elephant Bird in Seussical Jr. 
Aidan was in a school play
Finished my 2nd year of AmeriCorps

Celebrated Ryan, Ashley and Logan's Birthdays
Went to the Pride Parade
Celebrated 3 years of marriage

Celebrated the 4th by going to the Oakley Rodeo
Celebrated the 24th at the Bountiful Parade

Celebrated Kate's BIG 16
Celebrated Braxton's Birthday
Celebrated my Birthday
Went to Utah Utes Fan Fest
Football Season Started
Started School full time

Celebrated my Mom's Birthday
Went to Oktoberfest
Utah beat BYU

Went to the Pumpkin Patch
Went to Thriller in Park City
Celebrated Halloween with the Kiddos 

Celebrated Morgan's Birthday
Celebrated Aidan's Birthday
Morgan's Utes won on his birthday &
He got a signed football by Kyle Whittingham for his birthday

Had a fabulous Christmas
Oaks turned 6 
Had a great visit with Grandma Marian

Got a 4 wheeler for my Birthday HUGE & BEST SURPRISE!!!!
Golfed lots with the hubby
First Kitchen Aid Mixer
First time eating sushi
Both went to the ER- Aust had kidney stones
Railroad pictures start becoming a part of our lives
Aidan got her ears pierced
Utah beat BYU 3 times in one game :)
Oaks took Aust for a ride on his Rollerblades

We had great times with the most important people in our lives this year. We can't wait to see what 2013 brings us. We have a lot of exciting things coming our way in the next few years and can't wait to grow as a family and as individuals with our careers. 

Love you all