I know I always say this but boy am I terrible at this blog. I guess when I work 45+ hrs a week and go to school part time there really is no time to blog. When I finally have free time I'd rather spend it with my hubby then on my blog. We are staying super busy with work and school. We moved into my parents house to save money for our London trip and a House. My parents have been so great with us moving in. It really hasn't been bad at all, we just miss being in our own home :) The house hunting is NOT FUN haha I can't believe how stressful it really is. We were set on only buying a house but now we are thinking of getting a townhouse. So if anyone out there has advice on the whole house buying thing please let us know!!! We would love to stay in Sandy or Draper but you get a lot more for your money out in Riverton, South Jordan and Herriman so we are open to a few different places.
I just wanted to give my amazing husband a little shout out. I am so lucky to have him in my life. He works so hard for us!! He is always willing to help or listen to me complain. I would be lost without him. I can give him a look and he knows that I need a hug, there is nothing better than a hug from the man you LOVE!!!
We celebrated Valentine's Day and our 7 years of being together in Feb it was amazing we went to Sego Lily Day Spa for a soak and couples massage and then to the Melting Pot for Cheese and Dessert :) so delicious. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by but we have enjoyed every min of the past 7 years we have had our ups and our downs but what couple doesn't. I love you Austin James thank you for everything you do for me!!!
I feel bad for not posting pictures but I am blogging from work and don't have my camera cord with me. I promise to post some soon!!!!
Life's Alive In Everything
4 days ago